Buttercup book sale

We arranged our very own book sale to encourage children to buy books of their choice. There was a variety of fiction and non fiction books to choose from. It was great to see the enthusiasm shown by the children, many went home with a book that they were interested in. We hope to continue with the book sale next year and make it bigger and better!

Book exchange day at Buttercup

The children were encouraged to bring a used book from home that they have read and enjoyed to exchange with other members of their class. This way children got to take home a new book to read, but without paying for it!

Safer Internet Day at Buttercup Primary school Tuesday 8th February 2022

Safer Internet Day aims to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.  Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. Safer Internet Day 2022 was celebrated globally  and at Buttercup with the theme: ‘All fun and games?’

Celebrating World Hijab Day at Buttercup Primary

We celebrated World Hijab Day by wearing beautiful hijabs of all colours and styles.  World Hijab Day is an annual event founded by Nazma Khan in 2013. The event takes place on February 1st each year in 140 countries worldwide. Its stated purpose is to encourage women of all religions and backgrounds to wear and experience the hijab to promote understanding, respect and tolerance. The girls and teachers enjoyed experimenting with different hijab styles and colours on the day and posed away for the camera!

Teachers shared their hijab journeys and reminded children that the hijab should  never stop them in pursuing their dreams.

Our School Calm Club

Our Mental Health Ambassadors creating posters for our Calm Club.

Eco Ambassadors litter picking day

Our Eco ambassadors are taking littering issues into their own hands, after piles of rubbish started to appear nearby.

Our ambassadors didn’t want to just make posters to raise awareness but they wanted to be involved and so they proposed a school litter pick. Its fantastic to know our children care about our local community MashAllah!

It has been Narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu that the, Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “While a man walks along a path, finds a thorny twig lying on the way and puts it aside, Allah would appreciate it and forgive him.”

[Sahih Muslim :: Book 33 :: Hadith 235]

Just remember this beautiful sunnah when you see a harmful thing on the road/path. Let us revive the Sunnah in every aspect of our life  Insha Allah!

Football tournament presentation day

The Buttercup football tournament involved 9 students from each  year group in key stage 2, years 3-6 who took part in a series of organised football games between one another. The purpose of the tournament was to bring excitement and involvement of sports amongst the students. Students showed exceptional skills of leadership, determination, teamwork, passion and respect in the game. We were pleased to watch students learn and grow in their talents and skills and develop beyond our expectations.  It was an amazing tournament which was only possible through the support of all staff members (especially Mr Foyej) and the desire of the students.

The tournament came to an end with the year 6 coming  in first place! It was wonderful to see so many girls take part in the tournament and we hope to encourage students to carry on and expand on the skills they learnt through this competition.

Science week dressing up day!

Look at some of the amazing costumes

designed and made by the children to celebrate the end of Science week at Buttercup Primary. We were so   proud and impressed with the creativeness of the costumes brought in. Well done!

Mad Science show at Buttercup!

The children were introduced to the 3  different states of matter in a high-energy interactive show. Jet Pack Jez the scientist, showed the children the difference between the states of matter and forces through exciting and fun experiments that engaged them all!

The children left the show with a wealth of knowledge and new vocabulary that was repeated in the classrooms.

Maths week year 1 and 2

For Maths week year 1 and 2 focused on money and what it means in our daily lives. We spent our lessons learning about adding and subtracting money and how to calculate change in our transactions. We went to Watney market and decided which offers were best for our class to take advantage of. After we went to Iceland and bought the best deals for our snack time. After using the self-checkout and calculating how much change we need we made our way to school and enjoyed all the fruits we purchased.

Who wants to be a millionaire in Year 3 and 4?

The Who wants to be a Millionaire Quiz  was a great way to get all children motivated to learn their times tables. The game was designed to inspire and challenge children to learn their times tables off by heart

For Maths Week, year 3 and 4  entered the quiz (Who Wants to be a Millionaire?) on times tables. Throughout the week they learnt their 7 times table and on Friday, children were divided in their house groups and  worked with their teams to answer multiple choice questions for points. Answering all the question correctly, the winners won 1million house points for their house team!

Pizza fractions in Year 5 and 6

This week our Year 5&6 students were investigating how much profit they could make from different types of pizzas using their fraction knowledge. They had to price each type of pizza a different price for example, a pizza cut into 5 slices were priced £59p each and a pizza cut into 12 slices priced 34p each.

The children had to work out which pizza made more/ less profit.

The children had to choose their toppings and make their pizza. They then enjoyed eating their pizzas at the end of the day!

In Maths week, the children in Year 5 and 6 have been learning about fractions

In Maths week, the children in Year 5 and 6 have been learning about fractions. As part of their maths investigation, they planned to make pizzas and investigate Fraction related questions. Some children had the opportunity to go shopping and buy the ingredients for the pizzas. While shopping, they had to use their maths skills of money, quantity, weight, addition and subtraction. They had a budget of £25 pounds and had to think about how to stay within budget by searching for good deals. We are glad to say they did stay within budget and bought some yummy toppings for the pizzas!

Maths hat at Buttercup Primary!

We celebrated the end of Maths week with a bang! The children were invited to take part in a Maths hat competition to     design and make their own hats` inspired by the Maths topics they have been learning in school. We saw shape hats, number hats, time hats, weighing hats amongst others. We were really impressed with the creativity and enthusiasm that was put into the designs. A very well done to all the children who entered the competition!

Odd socks day at Buttercup Primary– Anti-bullying week

As part of Anti-bullying awareness day, the children were invited to wear their favourite odd socks to school and to encourage children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality. The odd socks also symbolises that everyone is different and at Buttercup we value everyone for who they are. Children were encouraged to share ‘one kind word’ throughout the week to remind them that kind words makes a big difference!

The Tower Hamlets Junior Citizenship scheme

Thursday 11th November 2021 

Year 5 and 6 visited the Shadwell Fire Station to take part in
The Tower Hamlets Junior Citizenship scheme . The children were given the opportunity to explore various elements of safety. The workshop included the following:Fire safetyRobbery Online safety Knife crimeWildlifeBus and TFL

The children were educated on how to stay safe and what to do in interactive scenarios that taught strategies for leading a safer and more responsible lifestyle. They participated in the group discussions and answered all the questions with a lot of thought.

World Smile Day at Buttercup Primary school

We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff to come to school wearing something bright. Smiling is a sunnah (The way of the prophet) in Islam, and is also a form of charity. We want our children to spread smiles and happiness where ever they go! We raised £70 on the day. Thank you to everyone who took part!
Since this day, the children have made an effort to encourage and remind each other to smile more often both at school and at home.