Year 5 trip to The Royal society of Chemistry

‘1001 Science Journeys from Alchemy to Chemistry’ event…

KS1 Trip to Discover Story Centre

On the 28th November 2019, KS1 took a trip to the Discover Children’s…

Maths week KS1

During Maths Week, KS1 used their knowledge of various mathematical…

Pizza making in Year 5 and 6

During Maths week, the year 5 & 6 were using estimation…

Maths week

As part of Maths week, ‘Maths is everywhere,’ Year 3 &…

Maths hat competition– Maths week

We celebrated the end of Maths week with a bang! The children…

Maths week– Food sale

Each class worked on a topic for Maths week. As a result of…