Highlights of Science week 2019

Science Boffin show – January 2019

Our Science boffin Olly,  mesmerised the children with a fun filled science show that included  different experiments testing their observation skills. The children were amazed by seeing 3 small quantities of chemicals making such a huge amount of toothpaste fit enough for an elephant. The Bernoulli’s principle was shown, where a stream of air travelled […]

Year 1 and 2 trip to the London Aquarium

The Year 1 and 2 children went to an exciting trip to the London Aquarium, some of the children experienced being on a train for the first time and were very thrilled! Upon arrival the children had a workshop which cross curricular linked their science, geography and art topics. They also discussed the wonders of […]

Year 5 and 6 trip to The Metro Bank

Following from the workshops that the Year 5 and 6 children experienced  with the staff from Metro Bank, they were invited to visit the Cheapside branch in the City of London. The children got the opportunity to see inside a real vault and had a tour of the whole bank. They even got to meet […]

Metro Bank with Year 5/6

The Metro bank ran workshops with our Year 5 and 6 children. They learnt about how the bank takes care of money and how to manage their own money e.g. through budgeting and saving.  The last workshop will be a visit to the bank where children will see the different kind of jobs that are […]

KS1 Shopping centre-Money week

For Maths week, our class made maths hats, explored various aspects of the wonders of Maths and focused on Money. We culminated the theme week with a usual ks1 epic style dramatic role play. The children created their own shopping centre. We role-played real life scenarios like lining up at the bank, saving money ,calculating […]

Year 3 and 4 Tuck shop

As part of year 3 and 4’s design and technology project, the children designed and made their own healthy sandwich snack. On Wednesday, we turned our classroom into a sandwich tuck shop and sold all the products to the rest of the school. We sold each sandwich for 20p and we managed to raise an […]

Maths hat competition

As part of Maths Money week, we ran a Maths hat competition. We were blown away with the creativity and enthusiasm shown by the children. Thank you to all that entered. May the best hat win!!!  

Able Writers’ Day

Two children from Year 6 were chosen to take part in a special workshop with one of the UK’s leading performance poets, Neal Zetter. Neal shared his poems with the children and encouraged them to write their own poems about ‘Seasons’ using metaphors and similes. In the afternoon children worked in groups to write and […]

Anti Bullying Week – KS1

Year 1 & 2 worked productively from gaining valuable knowledge in class and external organisations i.e. Human Relief Foundation who delivered an important lesson speaking about the effects our words and actions can have on others. Children designed superhero costumes and learnt about sharing and spreading love and treating each other fairly.  Year 1 & […]

Anti bullying assembly at Buttercup

Year 3 and 4 visit to Pizza Express – 13th November 2018

This week, Year 3 and 4 visited Pizza Express. Children were given instructions for health and safety and then began learning how to make a pizza. They were shown how to knead the dough and add the tomato pasata sauce. They were then given toppings to add to their own pizzas. The class had a […]

Year 5/6 Oxford University Trip

The year 5 & 6 spent the day at Wadham College, which is one of the many colleges that belong to Oxford University; and that dates as far back as the beginning of the 10th century! We were thrilled to take part in a science experiment and sample what it is like to take part […]

Black History month assembly at Buttercup Primary

As part of Black history week, the children learnt about the lives of Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and the Windrush generation and the contribution they made in fighting for black peoples’ rights. We had a lovely assembly today where children from each class performed a presentation on a famous black person/generation they had been studying […]

National poetry day at Buttercup

The children and adults shared and performed their favourite poems to celebrate National poetry day. Some children wrote their own poems and performed them in front of an audience. We have some amazing poets in our school!    

Trip to Royal Observatory in Greenwich – October 2018

The Year 5 and 6 visited The Royal Observatory in Greenwich. There we had a chance to experience the universe (or at least a part of it!) at the Planetarium and explore the world of astronomy. We also had a chance to stand on the Meridian Line!  

Parents information meeting and safeguarding awareness

Year 1 and 2 

School council voting day 2018-19