Our School Pets
At Buttercups we like to bring learning to life so we keep a…
Enterprise Week
This week It all added up for our young entrepreneurs who found…
Visit to the Globe Theatre
Children at Buttercup have immersed themselves into the language…
Visit to Mill House
The children in year 5/6 visited the Mill House in Bromley by…
E-safety Day
Kids live in a digital world, children in BCP were taught how…
International week
Buttercup primary school celebrates international week this week.
Book week
The children of Buttercup Primary school have been busy this…
Trip to the Royal Observatory
Children in year 5 and 6 went to the world's centre of time as…
Science Week at Buttercup
This week was Science week and like always it was a huge success…
Tudors visit Buttercup Primary School
The Tudors made a surprise visit to Buttercup Primary School.…
Vist to the Parliament
This week our pupils visited the Houses of Parliament to see…
Topic work on WW2
Buttercup primary had a visiting drama group acting out incidents…
Buttercup Primary School New Site
Buttercup Primary School has acquired a brand new school site…
Year 6 graduation ceremony 2014
They conquer their fears, achieve ambitious goals and learn to…
Visit to Oxford University
Upper KS2 went out for a day trip to the very famous Oxford University.
Engineering Club
Engineering club will be held every Wednesday 3:45-5pm
Islamic Relief Workshop
Letters and notes with heartfelt warm wishes were written by…
Islam Channel Visit
Here are our photos of the Islam Channel Science program filmed…