Entries by Zara

Pioneering Personalities week special assembly

We ended the week with a whole school assembly where children from each class presented their pioneering personality to each other. Year 2 presented Sir David Attenborough, Year 3 and 4 presented Imam Al Gazali and Year 5 and 6 presented Saiful Azam. The children highlighted key facts about the lives of these special people […]

Pioneering  Personality week in EYFS 2023

For Pioneering Personality Week the Early Years focused on the importance of Fathers and male role models. We organised a work shop where dads and uncles and other male role models were invited to come and take part in arts and crafts activities and play with their children. The children and the adults really enjoyed […]

Year 3 and 4 trip to the Science Museum

The pupils from Year 3 and 4 had embarked on an enlightening trip to the Science Museum, which was linked to their study of light and shadow. They took part in a variety of science workshops that were both educational and engaging. One of the main attractions of their visit was the Flash Bang Wallop […]

Voting day at Buttercup Primary school

On Friday 6th October, the children at Buttercup primary school had the opportunity to cast their vote and have a say in who they want to represent them in the school council. It was a difficult decision for them as all the candidates were so deserving. They also experienced what democracy looks like when you […]

World Smile Day 2023

We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff to come to school wearing a non-uniform. Smiling is a sunnah (The way of the prophet) in Islam, and is also a form of charity. We want our children to spread smiles and happiness where ever they go! We raised £58 on the day. Thank […]

National Poetry Day at Buttercup

The staff and children spent the day reading, writing and performing different poems of their choice. Some children wrote their own poems and then performed them in front of an audience. The children also took part in the ‘Young Writers’ poetry writing competition as well. We are amazed by the talent  in our school!

School council manifesto presentation

The shortlisted children  presented their manifestos to the school. They were confident, expressive and very persuasive in their speeches. They shared their visions and described what they planned to do for the children if they are voted for. It is going to be a difficult choice to make as all the candidates were fantastic!

Online safety with parents

As part of our parent partnership, parents were invited to attend a meeting with the class teachers to be introduced to the school curriculum and everyday life at Buttercup. Online safety was explained to the parents so that they were well informed about how to keep their children safe online. We also discussed what suitable […]

NSPCC workshop

The NSPCC volunteers worked with the Year 5 and 6 children on the ‘Speak out, stay safe’ safeguarding workshop. They covered topics about abuse and neglect. Children were made aware of sources of help available to them and learnt the NSPCC helpline number 0800 1111.

Safety on the DLR workshop at Buttercup Primary

We invited the DLR ambassadors to talk to the key stage 2 children about how to stay safe on the DLR. The children were shown how to recognise dangers that may occur on the DLR and how to deal with them safely. They took part in a safety quiz and learnt many fun facts about […]

Key stage 1 and 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam

Our local officer spoke to the children about being ‘street smart’ and how to keep themselves safe outside and online. The children engaged in many discussions about what they should and should not do in different scenarios. He spoke about Stranger danger, online safety, and grooming. PCSO Kassam also shared his own experiences of how […]

Tower Hamlets-Junior Citizenship Scheme 2023

The Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Tower Hamlets Junior CitizenshipScheme that coincided really well with our Safety Week.  It took place in the Shadwell fire station where the children got the opportunity to learn citizenship and life skills with agencies such as Met Police Service, London Fire Brigade, London Ambulance Service […]

Year 6 graduation ceremony

We celebrated the end of our Year 6’s journey here at Buttercup with a beautiful graduation ceremony. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the children’s time at our school, the relationships they made and their fantastic achievements.  Our year 6 Graduation Assembly is a very special event where we celebrate in song, poem, […]

House team celebrations

Congratulations to team Dhul Qarnain who achieved the most house points in the year. This was a team effort from children in year 1 to year 6! We celebrated their win with a delicious personalised cake that the team enjoyed together.

Reception Graduation 2023

We are really proud of Reception class 2023 on their amazing great performance on Hajj. The mini Hajjis and Hujjahs executed their performance with perfection and their hard work and dedication showed.  Well done to the early years children and the team. Miss Nazma is really proud of you .

Year 3 & 4 end of year assembly

Year 3&4 parents were invited to celebrate their child/children’s achievement and learning. We began the assembly with Surah Rahman whereby Allah mentions His favours and implies how we should be grateful for our blessings. We carried out a role play and performed the nasheed ‘Allah Made Everything.’ The children presented their work; leaflets, posters and […]

End of year trip to Clacton on sea

We created beautiful memories on our end of year trip to Clacton on sea. The children had an amazing time playing on the sand, splashing in the sea and flying around on the rides. The day ended with a yummy ice cream and a sing along on the coach!

International week at Buttercup

We ended International week with a bang. The children were invited to come to school dressed in special clothing in celebration of each other’s native cultural identity which was a beautiful way of showcasing their differences and teaching respect. One ummah, one body, one unity