Primary Engineering in KS2

The children had the opportunity to attend the Primary Engineering event ceremony where they went to showcase and test out their model vehicles they had worked so hard on during their engineering after school club. During the ceremony event, they were interviewed about their models and had their vehicles tested for speed, straightness, and ramp […]

Year 6 work experience afternoon

Children from year 6 enjoyed a work experience afternoon in school. They were allocated different roles which they took part in avidly. They were eager to learn new skills required to become  an EYFS practitioner, teaching assistant, office manager and a personal assistant to the deputy headteacher! The children learnt about health and safety rules […]

GJT Residential Trip @ Gilwell Park

Charity week

Charity week ended with a bang with our charity sale that took place in the hall after school. There were cakes, goody bags, sweet cones, popcorn, samosas, books amongst others items. Everything was donated by the school community and was a great success. This shows that when we all work together as a team, great […]

Dressing up day at Buttercup

We ended Book Week with a bang! The children and adults came to school dressed as characters and props from their favourite books. Thank you to all the parents, children and staff for making the day so enjoyable!

Partner reading  around the school

The Year 3 and 4 children were given the opportunity to go down to the Year 1 and 2 class and the Year 5 and 6 children went down to the children in EYFS and spent time reading to them. The Year 1 and 2 children also got the opportunity to read to the older […]

Buttercup book sale

We arranged our very own book sale to encourage children to buy books of their choice. There was a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to choose from that were heavily discounted. It was great to see the enthusiasm shown by the children, many went home with books that they were eager to read!

Perform for schools’ at Buttercup school

To celebrate ‘Book week’ this year, we have organised the ‘Perform for schools’ company to come to our school and run exciting workshops with each class. The workshops used children’s natural love of drama, role play and improvisation to spark their imaginations and stimulate their interest in Literacy.  Each year group took part in a […]

Bookbike London at Buttercup

Emdad Rahman OBE from ‘BOOKBIKELONDON’ dropped by once again with some fantastic adventure books for our key stage 2 children. There was excitement in the air as the children could not wait to get their hands on the books and read them! Thank you Emdad for supporting our school with your kindness and providing much […]

World Down Syndrome Day 2024

On March 21st we observed World Down Syndrome Day at Buttercup. The theme this year was ‘End the stereotypes’. The children discussed how people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities, stereotypes can stop them from being treated like other people. People with disabilities have the right to be treated fairly and have the same opportunities […]

Safer Internet Day at Buttercup Primary school

Tuesday 6th February 2024 Safer Internet Day aims to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.  Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees 180 countries and hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young […]

Science week dressing up day!

Another amazing day of amazing costumes designed and made by the children to celebrate the end of Science week at Buttercup Primary. We are so impressed with the thoughtfulness and creativity of all the costumes worn today. Fantastic!

Parental involvement in Science week

For Science Week, Year 3 and 4 had a visit from a parent who is a dental nurse. She spoke to the children about what she does in her job and what science related subjects she needed to study for the job. The parent discussed how  to keep teeth healthy and the importance of brushing. […]


February 1st marked the annual World Hijab Day in recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to observe the hijab. Its purpose is to encourage tolerance and respect between everyone. It was a beautiful event showcasing the love we have for  Muslim women. To celebrate this day, head scarves were handed out to the […]

Hijab gifts-World hijab day

The girls at Buttercup were gifted beautiful hijabs by the headteacher Miss Zara, to celebrate World hijab day. They were reminded that the head scarf is not a barrier to prevent them from succeeding in life. Girls can dream big and become whatever they want and that the head scarf is not just a piece […]

Celebrating World hijab day at Buttercup!

We celebrated World Hijab Day by wearing  beautiful hijabs of all colours and styles that belonged to someone that is an inspiration to us. World Hijab Day is an annual event founded by Nazma Khan in 2013. The event takes place on February 1st each year in 140 countries worldwide. Its stated purpose is to encourage […]

Mad Science at Buttercup Primary

Up, Up and Away! This spellbinding special show introduced the children to the principles of air pressure and flight. Children saw a hot air balloon rise into the air, flying toilet paper, and even got the chance to watch a hovercraft in action! It was a fantastic start to Science week, enjoyed by all!

The Apprentice challenge food sale

Each class had to come up with a product to sell as part of their Apprentice challenge using £20.00. As a result of the planning and learning, each class produced different food items to be sold in the food sale. Early years made cup cakes, Year 1 and 2 made cake pops, Year 3 and […]