Primary Engineering in KS2

The children had the opportunity to attend the Primary Engineering…

Year 6 work experience afternoon

Children from year 6 enjoyed a work experience afternoon in…

Charity week

Charity week ended with a bang with our charity sale that took…

Dressing up day at Buttercup

We ended Book Week with a bang! The children and adults came…

Partner reading  around the school

The Year 3 and 4 children were given the opportunity to go down…

Buttercup book sale

We arranged our very own book sale to encourage children to…

Perform for schools’ at Buttercup school

To celebrate ‘Book week’ this year, we have organised the…

Bookbike London at Buttercup

Emdad Rahman OBE from ‘BOOKBIKELONDON’ dropped by once again…

World Down Syndrome Day 2024

On March 21st we observed World Down Syndrome Day at Buttercup.…

Safer Internet Day at Buttercup Primary school

Tuesday 6th February 2024 Safer Internet Day aims to inspire…

Science week dressing up day!

Another amazing day of amazing costumes designed and made…

Parental involvement in Science week

For Science Week, Year 3 and 4 had a visit from a parent who…


February 1st marked the annual World Hijab Day in recognition…

Hijab gifts-World hijab day

The girls at Buttercup were gifted beautiful hijabs by the headteacher…

Celebrating World hijab day at Buttercup!

We celebrated World Hijab Day by wearing  beautiful hijabs…

Mad Science at Buttercup Primary

Up, Up and Away! This spellbinding special show introduced…

The Apprentice challenge food sale

Each class had to come up with a product to sell as part of…