The Apprentice challenge food sale
Each class had to come up with a product to sell as part of…
Metro bank workshops with Key stage 2
As part of Maths week the key stage 2 children took part in…
Trip to the Metro Bank
The key stage 2 children visited the Metro Bank in Liverpool…
Maths hat competition!
We celebrated the end of Maths week with a bang! The children…
Science Museum
The Early Years children had an amazing educational…
Anti bullying week assembly
This Anti-Bullying Week we came together to have discussions…
Anti bullying day-Odd socks at Buttercup!
As part of Anti-bullying awareness day, the children were invited…
Pioneering Personalities week special assembly
We ended the week with a whole school assembly where children…
Pioneering Personality week in EYFS 2023
For Pioneering Personality Week the Early Years focused on the…
Year 3 and 4 trip to the Science Museum
The pupils from Year 3 and 4 had embarked on an enlightening…
Voting day at Buttercup Primary school
On Friday 6th October, the children at Buttercup primary school…
World Smile Day 2023
We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff…
National Poetry Day at Buttercup
The staff and children spent the day reading, writing and performing…
School council manifesto presentation
The shortlisted children presented their manifestos to…
Online safety with parents
As part of our parent partnership, parents were invited…
NSPCC workshop
The NSPCC volunteers worked with the Year 5 and 6 children on…
Safety on the DLR workshop at Buttercup Primary
We invited the DLR ambassadors to talk to the key stage 2 children…
Key stage 1 and 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam
Our local officer spoke to the children about being ‘street…