Hobgoblins Theatre company Shakespeare show and workshop
As part of Book Week, the children learnt about who Shakespeare…
International women’s day celebration at Buttercup
We celebrated international women’s day by praising and recognising…
Safer Internet Day at Buttercup Primary school Tuesday 11th February 2020
Safer Internet Day aims to inspire a national conversation about…
Celebrating World Hijab Day At Buttercup Primary
Thank you to all the students who made that extra effort to…
Crime scene investigators in Early Years!
The Early Years are learning about people who help us. We…
Mad Science in Early Years
During science week we had someone special from the Mad Science…
Workshop: ‘Slime Time’ –
The children were encouraged to
explore the difference between…
Workshop: ‘Dry Ice’-
Workshop: ‘Dry Ice’- The children furthered their discovery…
Science week dressing up day!
Look at some of the amazing costumes
designed and made by…
Solids, Liquids & Gases show Mad Science company
The children were introduced to the 3 different states of matter…
Science Week
Monday 20th January 2020
For Science Week, Year 3 and 4 had…
Year 6 Parliament trip
Year 6 and the school councillors of Buttercup, visited the…