Celebrating end of term achievements

This term we have been encouraging children to become confident public speakers. Every Friday, The boys  and girls in upper key stage 2 have the opportunity to take part in performing the Kuthba (For public proclaiming in the Islamic tradition) for the boys, and Naseeha  (Giving advice )for the girls.

Children are encouraged to plan and write down what they want to share with the congregation. They have to work on projecting their voices and getting their message across with clarity. We are pleased to say that this kind of public speaking has made a positive impact on the confidence of the children and we hope to continue to support this initiative.

We have been encouraging the upper and lower KS 2 boys to perform the Adhaan (Call to pray) at Dhuhur time.  This practice has really made an impact on the confidence  of these boys as they have had to stand in front of everyone and perform the Adhaan in Arabic using the correct techniques of pronunciation . We have seen  so much enthusiasm amongst the boys  who want to have a go and participate.

Pioneering Personality – My mother

For pioneering personalities week the Early Years focused on the importance of mothers. We organised workshops where the mums were invited to come in and spend time doing arts and crafts with their children. The children learnt the ‘Mother’ nasheed and sang it to their beautiful mothers. It was a wonderful sight to see!

Pioneering Personalities week special assembly

We ended the week with an amazing assembly where children from each class presented their pioneering personality. The children highlighted key facts about the lives of these special people and show cased their fantastic art work . Well done to all the children for putting so much effort into this week.

Pioneering Personalities week– Mohammed Ali

The children in Year 3 and 4 designed there own posters, fact sheets, art work and power point presentations to share with the class. They did their own research about Mohammed Ali and talked about the impact he had as a Muslim on the boxing sport. They shared some of his famous quotes like ‘Fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee’ and got to know him as a pioneering personality!

Visit from the Left hook boxing club

As part of our Pioneering Personalities week, we invited guests from our local boxing club ‘Left hook’ to talk to the children about how Mohammed Ali inspired them to take up boxing. They demonstrated  boxing moves and were really impressed with how much the children knew about boxing themselves. We also found out that there were quite a few children who trained in boxing after school! Boxing requires a lot of dedication and discipline so it was great to know that our children were acquiring these important life skills.

Year 5 and 6 trip to the V& A museum

Year 5 and 6 took a trip down to the V&A museum in South Kensington to explore fashion through the ages. We had a chance to sample and try on different types of clothing worn from the gorgeous Georgians to the Victorian era, which not only relates to our Art unit but our History  topic as well!

Pioneering personalities week at Buttercup

To start the week with a bang, the children were welcomed into their classrooms with a special introduction to their pioneering personality. Can you guess who these personalities may be?

World Smile Day at Buttercup Primary school

We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff to come to school wearing something bright. Smiling is a sunnah (The way of the prophet) in Islam, and is also a form of charity. We want our children to spread smiles and happiness where ever they go! We raised £55.00 on the day. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Poetry Day in KS 1

During Poetry Day, Key Stage 1 explored various parts of their faith in poetry form. Using their knowledge of poetry and the different types of poems, KS1 created their own in their favourite forms. Year 1 enjoyed creating acrostic poems about what Islam means to them, whilst Year 2 used their poem to explore their relationship with Allah.

National Poetry day at Buttercup primary school!

The staff and children spent the day reading, writing and performing different poems of their choice. Some children wrote their own poems individually and in groups and then performed them in front of an audience. We were amazed by the talent  in our school!

Safety week Key stage 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam and PCSO Crowe

The police constable support officers paid  KS 2 at Buttercup a visit to talk to them about being ‘street smart’ – being safe by not talking to strangers or trusting anyone that they are not familiar with. This included remembering not to take anything from those ‘strangers’ regardless of the ‘gifts’ or promises they make. The children also identified who would be a trusted person to go to for help within their network. We look forward to welcoming the officers back again in the future!


The shortlisted children  presented their manifestos to the school. They were confident and very persuasive. It is going to be a difficult choice to make as they were all fantastic!