Lansbury Lawrence school visit to Buttercup Primary

As part of the Tower Hamlets Linking project, the Year 6 children from Lansbury Lawrence spent the morning with our Year 5 and 6 children. They were given a group task to make the tallest tower using spaghetti and marshmallows. This task encouraged the children to communicate and reason with each other. We ended the day with a picnic in the park and a game of football! We look forward to   visiting Lansbury Lawrence soon.

2019 Sports day at Buttercup primary!

As always the children displayed great teamwork, sportsmanship and perseverance! Well done team 1 for achieving the most points and becoming the overall champions of the day!

Refugee week– Friday 21st June 2019

Refugee week in KS1 culminated in a workshop run by Ummey Shah and Sima Dorasat from Human Relief Foundation. The children participated in a group activity where they shared their knowledge and understanding of refugee week. They were shown a video with information about the responsibility of communities and importance of helping those in need. There was a PSHE message about helping others and hope in the face of adversity. The children also learnt about different situations that can result in someone becoming a refugee, e.g. from war, natural disaster or people being persecuted for their faith, culture and or family unit. The children then wrote letters to a refugee friend as a whole class and then took templates home to write a personal letter that will be delivered by the HRF team. 

The lesson was wonderful, insightful and very engaging.

Here are some thoughts from the children: 

 “I learnt that people have different ways of life and sometimes if someone has two mummies or two daddies some people might not agree and they could harm the family so they need to go to a different country and find a safe home” – Simrah Year 2.

“I found out my teacher Miss Ifraah is from Somalia, in that country a big war happened and many people had to leave. Miss Ifraah came to London when she was my age and she said she felt happy when there was no more war and no sadness” – Talhah year 2.

“I found out that refugee means when someone is scared that they are in danger” – Shajidul Year 1