Tower Hamlets Linking project first meet up with our partner school, Lansbury Lawrence primary school

The Year 5 and 6 children have been involved in a special project with a Year 6 class from Lansbury Lawrence primary school. They have been finding out about each others schools and writing to each other. On Monday 18th March, they finally met  at the Rich Mix Centre where they  played games and took part in activities that made them get to know each other more. They found out that they had a lot in common with one another and cannot wait to visit each others schools in the near future!


Visit to the New Zealand Embassy

Our children visited the New Zealand embassy for a private event  on Friday 22nd March. They took messages of love and solidarity together. The children read out messages, sang nasheeds and recited Qur’an to the team. The children were given a wonderful surprise by the Embassy staff who sang to our children too. It was an emotional event with lots of tears. Well done to the children for displaying confidence and compassion at the event.


Year 3 and 4 trip to Kew Gardens

Year 3 and 4 visited Kew Gardens as part of their science topic on how plants grow as well as our current Topic subject on Where does our food come from? The children had an amazing time and had an unforgettable experience seeing plants and trees they have never seen before including some of the rarest plants in the world. The children were very inspired by one of the artists as we explored the Marianne North gallery, a woman who travelled in 18th Century alone investigating the art of plants and she bought a piece of every part of the world with her in her gallery showing the true beauty of the world and Allah’s creations. Children explored all the unique trees and plants and saw The Hive, a structure built to look like a giant beehive. Luckily it didn’t rain till the end and the children were buzzing as we left the gardens!