Year 6 graduation ceremony 2014

They conquer their fears, achieve ambitious goals and learn to act with enormous amounts of integrity. The staff at Buttercup Primary School are always very proud of the children and the achievements they have made; personally, socially, spiritually and academically. It’s because of this that the children have their own opportunity to celebrate all of their achievements with their families and teachers before their transition to Secondary School.

The children sing songs of farewell and some choose to read a poem, famous readings and their own letters of thanks.
It has been a very moving celebration full of emotions of happiness and sadness.

The staff consider our graduation to be a short goodbye as we know that the children will soon return to let us know how they are getting on at Secondary School and we will see them at breakfast club or even work experience opportunities in the future in’sha’Allah.
Here are some highlights…

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Visit to Oxford University

Upper KS2 went out for a day trip to the very famous Oxford University.

The trip was part of our school transition programme designed to plant the seeds within our Year 6 students, to work hard and aim high.

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Engineering Club

Engineering club will be held every Wednesday 3:45-5pm

Sign up now places are limited!

There are many reasons why engineering and technology matters at primary level, but the main one is that through its practical nature, it engages children of all academic levels in maths and science.

Children will gain the opportunity to put maths, science and design technology theory into practice in a way that cements their learning.

What sort of projects might your child be involved in?

Because engineering isn’t a standalone subject in primary schools, how it is taught will vary.

Engineering projects that we intend to use may include:

•Build a bridge out of drinking straws
•Design a vehicle that could drive on land and sea
•Create an aircraft that can transport an egg without breaking it
•Build a model of a tower that would strong enough to survive an earthquake
•Make a simple electronics circuit including a bulb and a switch.
•Design and make an Eid/ Ramadan card with moving parts.