08:02:292024-12-12 08:07:18Maths Hat 11:50:572024-12-11 11:55:17Dentist Visit – Year 3 and 4 16:08:382024-11-15 16:08:41Odd socks day at Buttercup
On Monday 7th October, the children at Buttercup primary school… 10:37:372024-10-09 10:37:39Voting day at Buttercup Primary school
This year National Poetry Day coincided with World Smile Day.… 10:34:342024-10-09 10:34:37National Poetry Day at Buttercup
We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff… 10:51:272024-10-04 10:51:30World Smile Day at Buttercup Primary 2024!
The trip to the Galleon Andalucía, a replica of a 17th-century… 09:13:442024-10-04 09:13:46Year 3 and 4 trip visit to the Galleon Andalucía ship
Our local officer spoke to the children about being ‘street… 10:06:242024-10-01 10:06:27Key stage 1 and 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam and colleagues
Maths Hat
Dentist Visit – Year 3 and 4
Anti bullying poster competition winners 20024
Phonics Workshop for Parents
Odd socks day at Buttercup
Pioneering Personalities week special assembly
Pioneering Personality workshop in EYFS
Recycling Assembly at Buttercup
Voting day at Buttercup Primary school
National Poetry Day at Buttercup
World Smile Day at Buttercup Primary 2024!
School Council Manifesto Campaigns
Year 3 and 4 trip visit to the Galleon Andalucía ship
Key stage 1 and 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam and colleagues
Online Safety Parent Meetings
Guided reading in Safety Week
Cyber crime prevention workshop
Tower Hamlets-Junior Citizenship Scheme 2024