Science Museum Shows

We have had a visit from the science museums outreach team this Wednesday as part of our Science week, the day started off with a whole school assembly on the Greatest Hits show which had included all of the Science Museum’s favourite demos from rockets to ‘magic’ tricks, instant ice cream to earth-shaking bangs.  This promised to be science at its most entertaining! thereafter the team ran exciting shows for all year groups during the day to support the work that the children will be doing in Science this year. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took part in a very interactive show based on the shadows, the children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed a dynamic show about forces and motion called Feel the ForceNewton and Phil the Stunt Frog joined forces in this action-packed extravaganza visiting the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Ancient Greece and the Highland Games to take a closer look at the forces that shape our world. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day!


Here are the highlights….