Road safety – September 2018

Buttercup primary welcomed PC John who is a police constable officer for Tower Hamlets  to do a presentation on road safety and E-safety. He covered important reminders about how to cross the road in different situations e.g. how to cross the road where there is no crossing. He showed examples of how to wear a […]

Year 6 Graduation party

EYFS Transport trip – July 2018

This summer term the children learnt about transport. They looked at buses, trains and boats. The children also went on a trip to experience travelling on different transport, including the exciting cable cars. Come and take a look…     

Trip to Cambridge University – July 2018

As part of our aiming high and raising aspirations for our pupils at Buttercup, the school took the year 6 pupils to the very famous and prestigious Cambridge University. The pupils visited Clare’s College and had a tour around the university campus. Pupils met students who studied there and learnt a bit about university life. […]

Fitzgerald museum Cambridge University – 11th July 2018

This year in Cambridge University the children had a creative literacy lesson at the university’s finest museum hall .’Fitzgerald Museum ‘ The children worked in groups looking carefully at original historic art pieces painted by famous painters such as De Vinci . The two painters and paintings that they analysed were by Alrfred Elmore  and […]

Buttercup Sports day 2018

Year 6 Graduation Ceremony 2018

Year 6 First Aid training day 2018

Year 6 were taught important first aid skills that will help them in the future. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed practising CPR and all gained a basic first aid certificate.  

Buttercup visit to Sonali Gardens

Year 3 and 4 trip to The Soanes Centre

As part of their Science topic Habitats, the students went to the cemetery park which boasts  a wealth of diverse habitats, including open grassy glades, deciduous woodlands and freshwater. The children experienced a rich variety of plants and animals and they conducted a survey of the flora and fauna of 2 different habitats.  

Year 5 trip to The Natural History Museum

The Year 5 children went to the David Attenborough studio at The Natural History Museum and took part in a workshop that looked at classifying organisms. All living organisms are  classified into groups based on very basic, shared characteristics. Organisms within each group are then further divided into smaller groups. The children looked at clues […]

International Week – KS1 Skype with a Turkish school!

During international week. Year 1 & 2 learnt all about Turkey. The vibrant culture, the rich history and mouth watering food! The children had the opportunity to enhance their understanding of this wonderful country further during a special live Skype call with a grade two class in Turkey. We connected with Ukeb school in Izmir […]

International Day Assembly

Assembly Key stage 1 and 2 children met together and shared their new found knowledge about the countries they studied. Year 1 and 2 shared information about Turkey. Year 3 and 4 shared facts about Iraq and the Year 5 and 6 children talked about North and South America. The children celebrated the wonderful diversity […]

Year 1 & 2 Trip to Tower of London

Year 1 & 2 had a fantastic day exploring the magnificent Tower of London.  Linking with their topic of Castles, children had opportunity to see features of a castle first hand and enhance their learning of key events in British history. Here are some highlights!      

Fire Safety Awareness

Fire safety awareness for the children. Prevention Cause of fire in the home and how to avoid them Detection The importance of a working smoke alarm. Escape what to do in the event of fire and how to keep safe.

Fairtrade April 2018


Zoo 4 You

To end the term for KS1 and the Early Years on the topic Animals & Habitats , the staff booked in a special treat and invited the zoo into their classrooms. All the children were excited and had the chance to touch and hold many different animals. It was a very educational experience. the following animal were brought in […]

CSI in Year 5&6

Teachers brought the book alive ‘a beautiful lie’ and allowed the children to become forensic crime scene investigators for the day putting their skills to use!