Brief History:

Buttercup Primary School was the result of a strong intention, dedication and hard work  from a young mother who carried a vision of creating a safe and secure learning environment, that will consist of highly qualified members of staff who will pursue the goal of bringing up the next generation of young children with a good balanced teaching of  both the National Curriculum and the Islamic Curriculum with  high standards.


Today the school continues to strive to be a welcoming centre of learning in which Islamic education is flourishing. Muslim values, principles and standards lie at the heart of our education alongside a strong recognition of world faiths and the multicultural society in which we live in.

Vision and Aims:

Our vision is to develop a Muslim generation capable of analytical and critical thinking who become Muslims by conviction and who will strive to fulfil their role positively and proudly in multicultural Britain alongside others. Our excellent facilities and resources develop enjoyment and pleasure in learning and promote the personal development of our pupils both spiritually and socially to become well-rounded individuals who are able to make a valuable contribution to Society.

As well as the vision statement, the school lists a number of aims. These include for the children to:

  • Develop knowledge and skills through an exciting and creative curriculum which fosters a lasting enjoyment of learning.
  • Provide a distinctively Islamic environment within which children feel safe and happy and where faith, respect, honesty, trust and love are valued and actively promoted within everyday learning opportunities.
  • Show respect and empathy towards others, enabling them to make positive relationships with a wide range of people.
  • Celebrate success, promote a “can do” attitude and inspire each to achieve the best.
  • Allow pupils to develop confidence through a range of activities in a safe environment.
  • Tackling poverty and intolerance.
  • Care and respect for people and the environment in a context of social, moral, multi-cultural spiritual awareness, in developing in sensitivity to other peoples needs and point of view.
  • To recognise, support and celebrate achievements, of both the creative / technological skills and academic learning as equal outcomes as we recognise society as work force has roles for all.

The School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of  children and young people. In order to ensure this our recruitment and selection policy is in accordance with local and national guidelines.



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