As part of their homework, children were given the task to create posters and fact sheets about their special pioneering personality. Year 1/2 researched about Diana Spencer, the 3/4 researched about Abdullah Quilliam and Year 5/6 researched about Fatima al Fihri. Here are some of the wonderful work that were produced by the children. This […]
We ended the week with a whole assembly where children from each class presented their pioneering personality. Year 2 presented Dian Spencer, Year 3 and 4 presented Abdullah Quilliam and Year 5 and 6 presented Fatima al Fihri. The children highlighted key facts about the lives of these special people and why they were inspirational […]
As part of the history topic ‘Romans’, the Year 3 and 4 children visited the Whitechapel Fountain, exploring the park and its multicultural memorials. The children met a stonemason and learnt how the fountain will be restored using different tools and skills. The children also found out some local history about why the park was […] 09:14:242022-10-18 09:14:26Heritage of London Trip
On Friday 14th October the children at Buttercup primary school had the opportunity to cast their vote and have a say in who they want to represent them in the school council. It was a difficult decision for them as all the candidates were so deserving. They also experienced what democracy looks like when you […] 08:29:442022-10-18 08:29:46Voting day at Buttercup Primary school
The shortlisted children presented their manifestos to the school. They were confident, expressive and very persuasive in their speeches. It is going to be a difficult choice to make as they were all fantastic!
This year for safety week Early Years talked and learnt about how to keep their bodies safe from daily germs. They explored making their hands dirty and learning how to wash their hands properly. They also talked about how to keep germs to themselves and when to wash their hands. The friend Cawford the cat […]
We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff to come to school wearing a specific colour for each class . Smiling is a sunnah (The way of the prophet) in Islam, and is also a form of charity. We want our children to spread smiles and happiness where ever they go! We raised […]
For Safety week local police officers PCSO Kassam and PC Lisa visited KS1 at Buttercup Primary school to discuss road safety. The children shared their knowledge about what they understood about road safety and learned ways in which they can stay safe in and outside of school. PCSO Kassam and PC Lisa spoke to the […]
As part of Safety week, children in Key stage 2 were given special ‘Safety’ related books to read and discuss in guided reading. The books covered topics on road safety, bullying, online safety and cyber bullying. The children enjoyed the activities in the books and were able to identify the dangers that could be avoided. […]
The Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Tower Hamlets Junior Citizenship Scheme that coincided really well with our Safety Week. It took place in the Shadwell fire station where the children got the opportunity to learn citizenship and life skills with agencies such as Met Police Service, London Fire Brigade, London Ambulance […] 12:15:292022-09-29 12:15:31Year 5 and 6 at the Tower Hamlets- Junior Citizenship Scheme
Our local officer spoke to the children about being ‘street smart’ and how to keep themselves safe outside and online. The children engaged in many discussions about what they should and should not do in different scenarios. PCSO Kassam also shared his own experiences of how he keeps the community safe. He was really impressed […]
Growth mindset at Buttercup As part of the school’s values of the week, we introduced the children to the term ‘Growth mindset’. A growth mindset occurs when we believe our intelligence and abilities can be improved with effort and the right strategies. A willingness to confront challenges, a passion for learning, and viewing failure as a […]
Emdad Rahman OBE from ‘BOOKBIKELONDON’ dropped by once again with some fantastic classic and adventure books for our upper key stage 2 children. There was excitement in the air as the children could not wait to get their hands on the books and read them! Thank you Emdad for supporting our school with your kindness […] 15:19:192022-09-21 15:19:21Bookbike London
We planned a lovely transition afternoon for the children to meet their new teachers, classrooms and classmates for next year. The teachers spoke about preparing to move to a new class/year group. They discussed strategies to manage transitions between classes and key stages. In Key stage 2, teachers spoke about problem solving strategies for dealing […]
Fatiha loved to write and was a fantastic writer. In her memory we introduced the ‘Fatiha’s Writers Award so that her legacy lives on at Buttercup Primary. This year, Mohammed Khadar was chosen to receive the award. It was presented to him by Fatiha’s dad which made it extra special. We hope to continue with […] 14:50:062022-07-22 14:50:10Fatiha’s Writers Award
The winning house team with the most points this year was Umar Faruq! The house team members celebrated their win with a delicious cream cake. Congratulations to team Umar Faruq, may you continue to flourish and set a fantastic example to the other teams. 14:35:312022-07-22 14:40:52House team celebration
As we prepare to say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6’s, we celebrated their time at Buttercup Primary this week with a beautiful graduation ceremony. Throughout the celebration we sang nasheeds, read poems and performed to a room of very proud parents and teachers.
The early years visited the Diana memorial park playground for their end of year trip. The little children were so brave traveling on huge escalators and public transport. The children experienced using the Queen Elizabeth line for the first time and were amazed at how huge the carriages were. At the park they had a […] 14:16:582022-07-22 14:17:01Early Years End of Year Trip
Pioneering Personalities Week at Buttercup Primary
As part of their homework, children were given the task to create posters and fact sheets about their special pioneering personality. Year 1/2 researched about Diana Spencer, the 3/4 researched about Abdullah Quilliam and Year 5/6 researched about Fatima al Fihri. Here are some of the wonderful work that were produced by the children. This […]
Pioneering Personalities week special assembly
We ended the week with a whole assembly where children from each class presented their pioneering personality. Year 2 presented Dian Spencer, Year 3 and 4 presented Abdullah Quilliam and Year 5 and 6 presented Fatima al Fihri. The children highlighted key facts about the lives of these special people and why they were inspirational […]
Heritage of London Trip
As part of the history topic ‘Romans’, the Year 3 and 4 children visited the Whitechapel Fountain, exploring the park and its multicultural memorials. The children met a stonemason and learnt how the fountain will be restored using different tools and skills. The children also found out some local history about why the park was […]
Voting day at Buttercup Primary school
On Friday 14th October the children at Buttercup primary school had the opportunity to cast their vote and have a say in who they want to represent them in the school council. It was a difficult decision for them as all the candidates were so deserving. They also experienced what democracy looks like when you […]
School council manifesto presentation
The shortlisted children presented their manifestos to the school. They were confident, expressive and very persuasive in their speeches. It is going to be a difficult choice to make as they were all fantastic!
Safety week in EYFS
This year for safety week Early Years talked and learnt about how to keep their bodies safe from daily germs. They explored making their hands dirty and learning how to wash their hands properly. They also talked about how to keep germs to themselves and when to wash their hands. The friend Cawford the cat […]
World Smile Day 2022
We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff to come to school wearing a specific colour for each class . Smiling is a sunnah (The way of the prophet) in Islam, and is also a form of charity. We want our children to spread smiles and happiness where ever they go! We raised […]
Key stage 1 Road safety assembly
For Safety week local police officers PCSO Kassam and PC Lisa visited KS1 at Buttercup Primary school to discuss road safety. The children shared their knowledge about what they understood about road safety and learned ways in which they can stay safe in and outside of school. PCSO Kassam and PC Lisa spoke to the […]
Guided reading in Safety Week
As part of Safety week, children in Key stage 2 were given special ‘Safety’ related books to read and discuss in guided reading. The books covered topics on road safety, bullying, online safety and cyber bullying. The children enjoyed the activities in the books and were able to identify the dangers that could be avoided. […]
Year 5 and 6 at the Tower Hamlets- Junior Citizenship Scheme
The Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Tower Hamlets Junior Citizenship Scheme that coincided really well with our Safety Week. It took place in the Shadwell fire station where the children got the opportunity to learn citizenship and life skills with agencies such as Met Police Service, London Fire Brigade, London Ambulance […]
Key stage 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam
Our local officer spoke to the children about being ‘street smart’ and how to keep themselves safe outside and online. The children engaged in many discussions about what they should and should not do in different scenarios. PCSO Kassam also shared his own experiences of how he keeps the community safe. He was really impressed […]
Growth Mindset
Growth mindset at Buttercup As part of the school’s values of the week, we introduced the children to the term ‘Growth mindset’. A growth mindset occurs when we believe our intelligence and abilities can be improved with effort and the right strategies. A willingness to confront challenges, a passion for learning, and viewing failure as a […]
Bookbike London
Emdad Rahman OBE from ‘BOOKBIKELONDON’ dropped by once again with some fantastic classic and adventure books for our upper key stage 2 children. There was excitement in the air as the children could not wait to get their hands on the books and read them! Thank you Emdad for supporting our school with your kindness […]
Transition afternoon at Buttercup Primary
We planned a lovely transition afternoon for the children to meet their new teachers, classrooms and classmates for next year. The teachers spoke about preparing to move to a new class/year group. They discussed strategies to manage transitions between classes and key stages. In Key stage 2, teachers spoke about problem solving strategies for dealing […]
Fatiha’s Writers Award
Fatiha loved to write and was a fantastic writer. In her memory we introduced the ‘Fatiha’s Writers Award so that her legacy lives on at Buttercup Primary. This year, Mohammed Khadar was chosen to receive the award. It was presented to him by Fatiha’s dad which made it extra special. We hope to continue with […]
House team celebration
The winning house team with the most points this year was Umar Faruq! The house team members celebrated their win with a delicious cream cake. Congratulations to team Umar Faruq, may you continue to flourish and set a fantastic example to the other teams.
Year 6 graduation ceremony
As we prepare to say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6’s, we celebrated their time at Buttercup Primary this week with a beautiful graduation ceremony. Throughout the celebration we sang nasheeds, read poems and performed to a room of very proud parents and teachers.
Early Years End of Year Trip
The early years visited the Diana memorial park playground for their end of year trip. The little children were so brave traveling on huge escalators and public transport. The children experienced using the Queen Elizabeth line for the first time and were amazed at how huge the carriages were. At the park they had a […]