Student Newspaper

Welcome to our school newspaper. All articles are written by the students at Buttercup Primary School. We hope you like this.
Buttercup Newspaper Team

Our school journalists

        March 2021 

  April 2021

We are the Buttercup Primary School Mental Health Ambassadors. 

We were elected into our roles by the rest of the school and we represent years 1-6.

We are here to promote positive discussions surrounding mental health. We recognise that we are all different and have different mental health at times. We are here to support the development of Mental Health discussions across the school. 

We meet monthly with Ms Sulthana to discuss what we can do as a school to be more aware of our mental health. We have recently successfully launched the ‘Calm club ‘where children can visit every lunchtimes and can participate in different activities to support their wellbeing. one of us will support the club every day during lunchtime and will take turns to assist in being there for those children who may need support.

ECO Ambassadors

Anti-bullying Week.

bigstock-Stop-BullyingOur school has been taking part anti-bullying week. We have been looking at how children can get bullied and how we can get help. If you feel that you are getting bullied the you can talk to you friend and let them know. If you want to you can talk to an adult or your family. It is important that you talk to somebody.

Some people can get bullied at school or at home or online. Online bullying is called cyber bullying and this can happen any time day or night. Cyber bullying can make people sad as they don’t know who is doing the bullying. We are learning about keeping safe online and it is very important that we tell an adult about this.

At our school we are creating a anti-bullying mentor project where children can talk to trained students in year 5 and 6 who will be able to help them.

If you would like to know more about anti-bullying you can go online at

By Fiza Year 6

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