Upper KS2 went out for a day trip to the very famous Oxford University. The trip was part of our school transition programme designed to plant the seeds within our Year 6 students, to work hard and aim high.
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2014-06-17 00:11:312014-06-17 00:11:31Visit to Oxford University
Engineering club will be held every Wednesday 3:45-5pm Sign up now places are limited! There are many reasons why engineering and technology matters at primary level, but the main one is that through its practical nature, it engages children of all academic levels in maths and science. Children will gain the opportunity to put maths, […]
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2014-06-17 00:06:582014-06-17 00:06:58Engineering Club
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2014-02-02 20:59:112019-05-15 20:31:21Author visit and Book week Video
Buttercup Primary school will be taking part in Qura’an Celebration day on Wednesday 11th December at Islamia Primary School in North London. We will be joining 10 other Islamic schools for the occasion. Each school will be performing a Nasheed and will be reciting the Qura’an on stage. This visit will bring a sense of […]
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2013-12-09 20:09:322013-12-09 20:09:32Qura’an Celebration Day
Buttercup students experienced their own CSI day at the school. All students had a fantastic day learning about investigations needed to investigate a forensic site.
We are fast approaching the holidays! The Buttercup Pods Summer School provides a safe & stimulating environment for children aged 5 to 15 to learn , have fun and gain an unforgettable experience a place where they will make strong friendships whilst having a summer they will never forget. The summer programme offers a fantastic […]
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2013-06-23 11:05:582013-06-23 11:05:59Summer School Enrolment 24th June -10th July
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2013-05-19 18:46:182013-05-19 18:46:18Author visit and Book week
We will be taking our pupils for our end of year trip to the Chessington World of Adventures! The date has been fixed for the 12 th of July 2012 any parent/ Carer who wishes to come with their child should inform their class teacher by the 27th of June .
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2012-06-22 21:07:572012-06-22 21:09:53Chessington World of Adventures!
“Jazakallah khair 2 u all 4 helpin amanah settle in so well this wk, may allah reward u all x (shiz chufd dat we’v gt percy 4 da weeknd!)” 02/03/2012 7:15pm “Salam sis. Alhamdulillah. We luv Buttercup primary school. Its the BEST! Masha’Allah 2 u. Xxx” “Assalaamu alaykum Dear Head Teacher I would like to […]
Asalamu alaykum, Buttercup Primary is one of the UK’s Muslim grant-funder which offers direct financial support to individuals and families undergoing economic hardship, regardless of their faith, culture or background. We offer small donations and interest-free loans of up to £500 to alleviate poverty in the UK targeting the most vulnerable in the community, through an open, […]
http://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png00Zarahttp://buttercupprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.pngZara2012-01-19 08:04:052012-03-04 13:07:27Community service
Welcome to our new website, we have just established our online presence and hope to make frequent blog entries to keep you up to date with the latest news and updates.
Visit to Oxford University
Upper KS2 went out for a day trip to the very famous Oxford University. The trip was part of our school transition programme designed to plant the seeds within our Year 6 students, to work hard and aim high.
Engineering Club
Engineering club will be held every Wednesday 3:45-5pm Sign up now places are limited! There are many reasons why engineering and technology matters at primary level, but the main one is that through its practical nature, it engages children of all academic levels in maths and science. Children will gain the opportunity to put maths, […]
Islamic Relief Workshop
Letters and notes with heartfelt warm wishes were written by pupils in Key stage 2, for the children in Syria.
Islam Channel Visit
Here are our photos of the Islam Channel Science program filmed at Buttercup Primary.
Author visit and Book week Video
We have the video for the Swirling Hijaab. Message to Students Reading from the Swirling Hijaab
Islam Channel Visit
We will be visited by Islam channel who will be creating a science series with our year 5 and 6. The show will broadcasted on Sky 813 in spring.
Qura’an Celebration Day
Buttercup Primary school will be taking part in Qura’an Celebration day on Wednesday 11th December at Islamia Primary School in North London. We will be joining 10 other Islamic schools for the occasion. Each school will be performing a Nasheed and will be reciting the Qura’an on stage. This visit will bring a sense of […]
Buttercup CSI Forensic Day
Buttercup students experienced their own CSI day at the school. All students had a fantastic day learning about investigations needed to investigate a forensic site.
Summer School Enrolment 24th June -10th July
We are fast approaching the holidays! The Buttercup Pods Summer School provides a safe & stimulating environment for children aged 5 to 15 to learn , have fun and gain an unforgettable experience a place where they will make strong friendships whilst having a summer they will never forget. The summer programme offers a fantastic […]
Author visit and Book week
Naima B Roberts reads ‘ The Swirling Hijab’ to the pupils in Buttercup Primary School. We will inshallah update the video link soon.
Road Safety Week Design Competition 18-24 October 2013
Design a winning road safety awareness flyer, for more information please visit the following link www.recognition-express.com/roadsafetyweek
Chessington World of Adventures!
We will be taking our pupils for our end of year trip to the Chessington World of Adventures! The date has been fixed for the 12 th of July 2012 any parent/ Carer who wishes to come with their child should inform their class teacher by the 27th of June .
“Jazakallah khair 2 u all 4 helpin amanah settle in so well this wk, may allah reward u all x (shiz chufd dat we’v gt percy 4 da weeknd!)” 02/03/2012 7:15pm “Salam sis. Alhamdulillah. We luv Buttercup primary school. Its the BEST! Masha’Allah 2 u. Xxx” “Assalaamu alaykum Dear Head Teacher I would like to […]
School Dinners!
Great news We are now providing hot school meals! For more information regarding the menu please contact the school.
Community service
Asalamu alaykum, Buttercup Primary is one of the UK’s Muslim grant-funder which offers direct financial support to individuals and families undergoing economic hardship, regardless of their faith, culture or background. We offer small donations and interest-free loans of up to £500 to alleviate poverty in the UK targeting the most vulnerable in the community, through an open, […]
Welcome to our new website, we have just established our online presence and hope to make frequent blog entries to keep you up to date with the latest news and updates.