Voting day at Buttercup Primary school
On Friday 14th October the children at Buttercup primary school…
School council manifesto presentation
The shortlisted children presented their manifestos to the…
Safety week in EYFS
This year for safety week Early Years talked and learnt about…
World Smile Day 2022
We acknowledged World Smile Day by inviting children and staff…
Key stage 1 Road safety assembly
For Safety week local police officers PCSO Kassam and PC Lisa…
Guided reading in Safety Week
As part of Safety week, children in Key stage 2 were given special…
Year 5 and 6 at the Tower Hamlets- Junior Citizenship Scheme
The Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Tower Hamlets Junior…
Key stage 2 assembly with PCSO Kassam
Our local officer spoke to the children about being ‘street…
Growth Mindset
Growth mindset at Buttercup
As part of the school’s…
Bookbike London
Emdad Rahman OBE from ‘BOOKBIKELONDON’ dropped…
Transition afternoon at Buttercup Primary
We planned a lovely transition afternoon for the children to…
Fatiha’s Writers Award
Fatiha loved to write and was a fantastic writer. In her memory…
House team celebration
The winning house team with the most points this year was Umar…
Year 6 graduation ceremony
As we prepare to say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6's, we celebrated…
Early Years End of Year Trip
The early years visited the Diana memorial park playground for…
Early Years Graduation
Ma sha Allah to the reception class for doing so well this year.…
End of year trip to Clacton-on-Sea
The key stage 2 children had an amazing day out to Clacton-on-Sea…
Cambridge University trip July 2022
As part of the school’s promotion to aspire to do great things…