Science Week in Year 1 and 2
For Science Week KS1 conducted a coloured flower experiment. …
Investigating atoms in Yr 3 and 4
Science Week Year 3 and 4 children took a plunge into the world…
Science week dressing up day!
Yet again another amazing day of amazing costumes
Litter picking day
Eco Ambassadors litter picking day
Our Eco Ambassadors…
More gifts from brother Emdad Rahman OBE
Brother Emdad returned again with activity/reading books called…
‘We respect everyone’
Horniman museum trip
Maths Week in KS 1
For Maths week, KS1 created posters about topics that they enjoyed…
Math Week
Children in year 5 and 6 chose to make pizzas for their apprentice…
Maths week EYFS 2022
During Maths week, Early years were really busy exploring patterns…
Maths hat competition
We celebrated the end of Maths week with a bang! The children…
Anti-bullying posters
The school councillors met to discuss how they can make the…
‘Reach out’ at Buttercup Primary school
The theme for Anti-bullying week this year was ‘Reach out’…
Bookbike London Autumn 2 2022
Emdad Rahman OBE from ‘BOOKBIKELONDON’ dropped by once again…
Pioneering Personalities Week at Buttercup Primary
As part of their homework, children were given the task to create…
Pioneering Personalities week special assembly
We ended the week with a whole assembly where children from…
Heritage of London Trip
As part of the history topic 'Romans', the Year 3 and 4 children…