Year 3 and 4 Tuck shop
As part of year 3 and 4's design and technology project, the…
Maths hat competition
As part of Maths Money week, we ran a Maths hat competition.…
Able Writers’ Day
Two children from Year 6 were chosen to take part in a special…
Anti Bullying Week – KS1
Year 1 & 2 worked productively from gaining valuable knowledge…
Year 3 and 4 visit to Pizza Express – 13th November 2018
This week, Year 3 and 4 visited Pizza Express. Children were…
Year 5/6 Oxford University Trip
The year 5 & 6 spent the day at Wadham College, which is…
Black History month assembly at Buttercup Primary
As part of Black history week, the children learnt about the…
National poetry day at Buttercup
The children and adults shared and performed their favourite…
Trip to Royal Observatory in Greenwich – October 2018
The Year 5 and 6 visited The Royal Observatory in Greenwich.…
Road safety – September 2018
Buttercup primary welcomed PC John who is a police constable…
EYFS Transport trip – July 2018
This summer term the children learnt about transport. They looked…
Trip to Cambridge University – July 2018
As part of our aiming high and raising aspirations for our pupils…
Fitzgerald museum Cambridge University – 11th July 2018
This year in Cambridge University the children had a creative…