Year 3 and 4 trip to The Soanes Centre

As part of their Science topic Habitats, the students went to the cemetery park which boasts  a wealth of diverse habitats, including open grassy glades, deciduous woodlands and freshwater. The children experienced a rich variety of plants and animals and they conducted a survey of the flora and fauna of 2 different habitats.


Year 5 trip to The Natural History Museum

The Year 5 children went to the David Attenborough studio at The Natural History Museum and took part in a workshop that looked at classifying organisms. All living organisms are  classified into groups based on very basic, shared characteristics. Organisms within each group are then further divided into smaller groups. The children looked at clues and classified different organisms into groups. It was a great day for the children to demonstrate their knowledge.

















International Week – KS1 Skype with a Turkish school!

During international week. Year 1 & 2 learnt all about Turkey. The vibrant culture, the rich history and mouth watering food! The children had the opportunity to enhance their understanding of this wonderful country further during a special live Skype call with a grade two class in Turkey. We connected with Ukeb school in Izmir and ks1 asked the children many questions like: How many languages are spoken over there, What is your most famous football team called? What is your school uniform and what games do you play? The Turkish students also discovered interesting facts about London and live in a UK school. Overall the experience was enlightening and the children are excited for their next task of writing Ramadan greeting cards for their new friends.

International Day Assembly


Key stage 1 and 2 children met together and shared their new found knowledge about the countries they studied. Year 1 and 2 shared information about Turkey. Year 3 and 4 shared facts about Iraq and the Year 5 and 6 children talked about North and South America. The children celebrated the wonderful diversity of our school by showing off their outfits and learning the names of the them.









Year 1 & 2 Trip to Tower of London

Year 1 & 2 had a fantastic day exploring the magnificent Tower of London.  Linking with their topic of Castles, children had opportunity to see features of a castle first hand and enhance their learning of key events in British history.

Here are some highlights!




Fire Safety Awareness

Fire safety awareness for the children.

  • Prevention

Cause of fire in the home and how to avoid them

  • Detection

The importance of a working smoke alarm.

  • Escape

what to do in the event of fire and how to keep safe.

Zoo 4 You

To end the term for KS1 and the Early Years on the topic Animals & Habitats , the staff booked in a special treat and invited the zoo into their classrooms. All the children were excited and had the chance to touch and hold many different animals. It was a very educational experience. the following animal were brought in by Zoo4You.

Python, Meerkat. Tortoise, komodo Dragon, Macauw Parrot and many others!

























































CSI in Year 5&6

Teachers brought the book alive ‘a beautiful lie’ and allowed the children to become forensic crime scene investigators for the day putting their skills to use!




Science week

This year the school celebrated the wonderful world of science with a packed exciting week !

The following topics were studied in depth and enjoyed thoroughly by all the children and teachers :

Foundation – Ocean life and electricity

KS1 – plants and growth ( microscopy)

Years 3/4 :

Fossils and Fuels  ( material    change , Forces )

Year 5/6 : CSI: crime scene investigation ( Force , microscopy and forensics)

On Friday marking the last day of Science week everyone took part in a dressing up competition and came into school dressed up in anything relating to science . Everyone including the teachers took part.

Here are the highlights….

Oxford Royal Microscope Society

Through an initiative of the Oxford Royal Microscope society our school took part in getting to understand a specialist area of interest in science ‘ microscopy ‘, The school had successfully applied to take part and had received a case of microscopes and many resources and samples for study for our budding scientists here at Buttercup!

Children in KS1 used the equipments to look into plant cells and were fascinated by the tiny organisms that they saw, there was a ‘wow!’ factor that had taken place in class that could not been achieved from a text book. We have decided to keep the equipments with us for the whole term and other year groups will go on to use it to discover how small things can really become interesting when looked into closely!

Watch out we will be planning on exciting Microscopy after school clubs soon!

Science Museum Shows

We have had a visit from the science museums outreach team this Wednesday as part of our Science week, the day started off with a whole school assembly on the Greatest Hits show which had included all of the Science Museum’s favourite demos from rockets to ‘magic’ tricks, instant ice cream to earth-shaking bangs.  This promised to be science at its most entertaining! thereafter the team ran exciting shows for all year groups during the day to support the work that the children will be doing in Science this year. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took part in a very interactive show based on the shadows, the children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed a dynamic show about forces and motion called Feel the ForceNewton and Phil the Stunt Frog joined forces in this action-packed extravaganza visiting the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Ancient Greece and the Highland Games to take a closer look at the forces that shape our world. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day!


Here are the highlights….



Year 5 & 6 Trip to Victoria & Albert Museum

Our trip to the V&A was very exciting alhamdulillah! The children were amazed with the different clothing worn throughout history, especially the difference between men and women’s attire for different occasions.  They had the opportunity to dress up and experience not only the past’s clothing but also got to understand what went on in their lives!

Here are the highlights!








Maths Week -27th November to 1st December 2017

This Year during maths week everyone at Buttercup had been planning on a spectacular maths event. From hats competition to projects!

The Early years unit explored the ocean ,counted fish and learnt about the different size and weight of sea life creatures that exist under water.

Ks1 and Ks2 took part in an event that covered a mixture of Dragon’s den, and the Apprentice. The children were divided into groups to present a pitch to the Dragons in a bid to gain some money for their investment for which they believed would bring in a lot of profit from the enterprise day on Friday.

The children learnt to work together to research, market and sell a product to the staff, parents and pupils  in order to make the most amount of money possible . The winning team was the team who made the most money from the Apprentice sale as well as the team who managed to gain the most investments from the Dragons.

All the money made by the teams will go towards new maths resources for the school.

This years math week was aimed and designed to teach the children new skills in enterprise and extend their mathematical abilities. During this week the children had the chance to :

–  take on a particular role/responsibility within the group, which include; Project manager, Finance Manager, Marketing Executive, Chief buyer and Presentation Co-ordinator

– Conduct market research and use their findings to identify their product

– Set budgets and create spreadsheets for costs; calculate their total expenditure, ensuring they keep within their budget

– Organise a marketing campaign and advertising

– Sell a product and enhance their sales through their selling strategies,

promotions and marketing

– Develop problem solving and communication skills

– Create and present a presentation about their project

The teams held a successful presentation on Wednesday to convince all three dragons of their product . The Dragons held a total of £60 .

Throughout the week the children have shown real enthusiasm exploring and learning maths in  everyday situations and have already shown great entrepreneurial abilities and creative ideas. There are many Alan Sugars in the making here at Buttercup! We can’t wait for next years event!


Here are the highlights….































THEO’s visit to Buttercup

Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers (THEO’s) made two visits to the Buttercup Primary School on Cannon Street Road last week in efforts to reach out to the younger community, amid a planned ‘Safety Week.’

Deputy head teacher Shaheda Khanom contacted Tower Hamlets Council for assistance and requested Enforcement Officers conduct a planned assembly in efforts to raise awareness to the youngsters in the school, in relation to Road Safety, Stranger danger and the new threat of Cyber Security and staying safe online.

THEOs visited the school on two separate days where they were able to interact with the children and even allow many to practise staying safe using the Official Radio to connect with the live CCTV control room.

The event was a success, staff at the Buttercup School stated that the children had a great experience and had been talking about the assembly all week.

Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers were also impressed with the existing knowledge of the children regarding the issues around safety during the presentation. The Officers was really impressed stating that the school must be doing something correct!

In all it was a very good initiative, and as a result The THEO service now plans on doing more events with other schools across the borough in the near future.

Picture from left

Enforcement Officer Matthew Barwell, Children at the School, Deputy Head Teacher Shaheda Khanom, Officer Minera Brown.

Safety Week – 18th September to 22nd September 2017

Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers – Reach out to Children at Buttercup Primary School

Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers (THEO’s) made two visits to the Buttercup Primary School on Cannon Street Road last week in efforts to reach out to the younger community, amid a planned ‘Safety Week.’

Deputy head teacher Shaheda Khanom contacted Tower Hamlets Council for assistance and requested Enforcement Officers conduct a planned assembly in efforts to raise awareness to the youngsters in the school, in relation to Road Safety, Stranger danger and the new threat of Cyber Security and staying safe online.

THEOs visited the school on two separate days where they were able to interact with the children and even allow many to practise staying safe using the Official Radio to connect with the live CCTV control room.

The event was a success, staff at the Buttercup School stated that the children had a great experience and had been talking about the assembly all week.

Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers were also impressed with the existing knowledge of the children regarding the issues around safety during the presentation. The Officers was really impressed stating that the school must be doing something correct!

In all it was a very good initiative, and as a result The THEO service now plans on doing more events with other schools across the borough in the near future.

Matthew Barwell


Picture from left

Enforcement Officer Matthew Barwell, Children at the School, Deputy Head Teacher Shaheda Khanom, Officer Minera Brown.